epsilonijk.xyz and metrprof.xyz

at Dallas 2

My Geiger counters

Here are the counts per minute from two of my $20 Geiger counter kits, connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Geiger counters are in my home, about 10 m apart. They are detecting background radiation, mostly gamma rays. A cpm measurement is uploaded every 5 minutes, from the counts of the previous 5 minutes. The plot is regenerated every hour. Normal background radiation is about 16 cpm. If you see a spike of about 70 cpm, it is due to a small sample of uranium being placed near the Geiger counter. I calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient and the p-value for fun. More about that later, if some significant correlation occurs...
Here is one of the Geiger counters, with a Raspeberry Pi 0: